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Pilot Uniform – Why is it necessary, and what does it represent?

8th Jan 2023

Uniforms are vital apparel for pilots for various reasons, but the most common one is recognizability. They are also a sign of authority, which is critical because pilots oversee the airplane with the rest of the crew. The uniform designs are usually similar to some military officers, but they differ slightly to make them distinctive. Some airlines prefer more subtle styles than others, but the makeup and outlook tend to be the same.

Pilot Uniform Stripes

The best way to differentiate pilot uniforms is according to rank, usually indicated by the number of stripes they have.

Captain – Uniforms with four stripes belong to the flight captain, also known as the pilot. The rank involves oversight of the entire plane, meaning they are in charge of other crew and all passengers.

Some flights may have a training captain who assumes the senior role and trains the other captains. New pilots are often paired with training captains until they can handle the plane without assistance. Despite their higher rank, training captains also wear uniforms with four stripes.

First Officers – Also known as co-pilots, senior first officers wear uniforms with three stripes and get their title after flying a plane for at least 1500 hours. They may have to meet other requirements before reaching that rank, like having a full ATPL to show their readiness for promotion to captains.

Some airlines may have first and second officers in addition to the senior first officer. First officers wear three stripes that they get when they join an airline. Some airlines issue two stripes at first, promoting the first officers to three stripes later.

Note: a few airlines have second officers or flight engineers who wear two stripes.

Cadet – Trainees wear various uniform types depending on the school they join. A single stripe is ordinary for those with Commercial Pilot’s License, and two stripes are for students who complete their instrument rating. Some training institutions have one stripe for Instrument Rating, two stripes for Commercial Rating, and three stripes for Certified Flight Instructor Rating. Confirm the requirements before purchasing the uniform.

Sometimes pilot uniforms consist of jackets, in which case the stripes are on the arms or epaulets on the shoulders. The jackets may also have name badges and airline wings for identification purposes, which goes for the shirts too. Some airlines also have hats as part of the uniform, serving the same purpose as the rest of the attire.

Fallon Pilot Shop

If you want to showcase a high level of professionalism and authority as you maintain recognition, choose Fallon Pilot shop for all your apparel requirements. We have epaulets with various stripes for your selection according to your experience and rank. We also tie lanyards in different stripes to complete your uniform.

Whether you are a sport, recreational, commercial, private, airline transport, or student pilot, our apparel will suit your immediate and future needs. We are here to celebrate with you as you soar to new heights by earning new epaulets and certifications. Contact us today with any questions that you might have.