Barry Schiff's lessons are based solidly on
principles and mechanics, filtered through his 25,000 hours of
wide-ranging, hands-on flying experience. Diverse topics such as "Deep
Stalls," the "Black-Hole Approach," the myth of "The Downwind Turn,"
expectations vs. reality, CRM, and a short course that effectively
describes the principles involved in flying jet airplanes. Also flying
tips for "fun and profit" and some personal, memorable moments from
Schiff's own world of flying. Foreword by Bob Hoover. Soft cover, 360
pages, illustrated, indexed.
Also by Barry Schiff: The
Proficient Pilot Volume 2; Flying Wisdom: The Proficient Pilot Volume 3;
Test Pilot: 1,001 Things You Thought You Knew About Aviation
Barry Schiff's lessons are based solidly on principles and mechanics, filtered through his 25,000 hours of wide-ranging, hands-on flying experience. Diverse topics such as "Deep Stalls," the "Black-Hole Approach," the myth of "The Downwind Turn," expectations vs. reality, CRM, and a short course that effectively describes the principles involved in flying jet airplanes. Also flying tips for "fun and profit" and some personal, memorable moments from Schiff's own world of flying. Foreword by Bob Hoover. Soft cover, 360 pages, illustrated, indexed.
Also by Barry Schiff: The Proficient Pilot Volume 2; Flying Wisdom: The Proficient Pilot Volume 3; Test Pilot: 1,001 Things You Thought You Knew About Aviation